The 4th Most-Broadcast BBC Programme of All-Time: Video Special!

Ho, yes. We’re closing in on the top of the list, so I’ve made a video on the programme in fourth place. Everyone likes it when people say “hey, watch this video I’ve made”, don’t they?

For those who don’t (waves to 97% of the population), I’ll put the text version online tomorrow. Which has proper links, pictures and attribution in place, and is generally better. But hey, once I thought of doing this one as a video first I couldn’t resist it. It’s pretty obvious why.

4: Pages from Ceefax

(Shown 6491 times, 1983-2000)

That took aaaages to do, which is why I’m grimly amused that about twelve people will watch it. See you tomorrow for the text version!

8 responses to “The 4th Most-Broadcast BBC Programme of All-Time: Video Special!”

  1. I was in two minds about whether to include this in my list, but I’m glad I did now! (It came in at #16 if anyone’s interested.)

    I think I know the top three for certain now.


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